John 11:1-44
Mary and Martha had sent word to Jesus that their brother Lazarus, His dear friend, was sick.
Instead of stopping, what He was doing and going straight to his side, Jesus waited two more days. By the time He had gotten there, Lazarus had been
dead four days. Four whole days! Jesus was too late to heal him. However, it was not going to stop Jesus from
showing them God’s glory, even if they did believe He had been too late.
Placed at the entrance of the tomb, was a large stone. However, it was not going to deter Jesus! With a loud voice He said, “Take away the stone.” Martha spoke up
and reminded Him that Lazarus had been dead four days. There would be an odor
and it would be horrible! Aww, but Jesus had a plan. With His eyes lifted toward
heaven He prayed aloud. After all, it was for their
benefit that he did so. Then loudly Jesus called him by name and said, “Lazarus, come out.” And
that’s exactly what he did…he came out! (John 11:43-44) The one, who had died four
days earlier, now completely alive, came out of the tomb. I wonder if anyone fainted at the site
of a man who had been dead now coming forth for all to see. I can only imagine.
Lazarus’ body had been
prepared for burial after he had died. His hands and feet were bound with linen
strips (NLT says ‘grave clothes’) and his face was wrapped with a cloth. As he
stood in front of everyone, fully alive, Jesus said, “Unbind him, and let him go.” With those words spoken, Lazarus was
free from what had him bound in the tomb. It had let him go. No longer
was he dead; no longer was he bound. He was free.
That speaks volumes to my
soul. Jesus spoke to the very thing that had Lazarus bound, the very thing that
kept him from being free. (Did you get that?)That gives me goosebumps. Lazarus,
being alive again and yet still bound, would never have experienced complete
freedom. After all, how beneficial would life be if it were being lived in
bondage? Jesus, with His infinite power and wisdom, knew it. To live free, the
thing that had him bound was the exact same thing that had to let him go. After
all, His plan had been to set Lazarus completely free and not to be confined.
There were four directives
given by Jesus:
take away the stone - remove the obstacle
come out - do not
stay in
unbind him –
release what is holding
let him go - experience
Jesus still does that for
us today. He removes the obstacles that keep us in and He speaks to the very things
that have us bound. It is so we can personally experience freedom.
“If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.”
John 8:36
In awe of Him,
** Just a thought **
Have you ever wondered
who, or what, “them” were? Was it the people close by who Jesus said to unbind
Lazarus and let him go? Or was it actually the grave clothes? Just who or what
were “them”…
Am I the only one who has ever pondered that? Nonetheless,
either scenario works! After all, we are talking about Jesus. Things happen when He speaks!
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