Sunday, October 21, 2018

"Who Do You Say That I Am?"

We live in a world that has decided who God is. HE's been reduced to mere humanity. No longer is HE just, no longer is HE sovereign and no longer is HE perfect. HE is filled with flaws. The world has stripped the living God from everything that makes HIM exactly who HE is. Unfortunately, even Christians today look at who the world says God is and easily point fingers and condemn. Sadly, I have been, and at times still am, one of them. (I do not admit that with pride. It is with deep conviction.) I, too, have reduced God to who I wanted HIM to be. And that also makes HIM flawed.

In Matthew 16:13 Jesus asked HIS disciples, "Who do people say that the Son of Man is?" And they responded with what they had heard. The world has given its own definition of who they think God is, as well. But it's HIS next question to the disciples in verse 15 that stirs me, "But who do you say that I am?" Now Jesus gets personal. I believe it was the main question that HE was really asking. The very ones that were following HIM were the ones who needed to be convinced of who HE really was. If they didn't know for sure, then how could they tell others? 
We get angry when the world's definition of who God is doesn't line up with HIS word. But what about when we, as Christians, have made up our own ideas of who God is? We tend to expect the world's definition of God to be spot on and yet feel pretty good about our own. Do we really believe HE is just? Do we really believe HE is sovereign? Do we really believe HE is perfect? The right answer would be to say "yes". But, is it always the truth?
It's a personal question God is asking me, too. "Regardless of who the world says that I am, and regardless of who other Christians say that I am, what matters the most right now, Vonda, is who do you say that I am?"  That really struck home. Before I point and condemn others, I need to take a long hard look at myself. Right smack in the middle of adversity who do I say and truly believe God is? When it feels like my world is falling apart, who do I say and truly believe God is?

If I am not convinced that HE is just, sovereign, perfect and 100% flawless then how can I tell others?  

In awe of HIM,

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