Tuesday, April 18, 2017

In Due Season ~ We Shall Reap

Galatians 6:9>And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. (NKJ)

To grow weary “while doing good” is easy when it seems like doing good isn’t working. It’s as if a brick wall stands in the way of our getting through to the other side. We had good intentions. We meant well, after all. Shouldn’t that count for something? We just grew tired. We grew weary. It had become more than we expected.  Simply put, it became too hard.

Growth is a natural process. It's meaning is quite simple: to increase in size or substance. That’s a good thing, right? Absolutely! Especially when it comes to something that we want to see an increase in. For instance, like a garden (whether for food or perhaps enjoyment) and even an investment (whether for financial gain or personal interest). Both are wonderful examples.

What we don’t want to see an increase in is our inability to say or do the right thing. That seems to happen too often. That’s where our struggle starts and seems to keep us. We don’t mean to let Satan feed us with horrible lies. His tenacity for finding the right time for the right lie is overwhelming. It’s quite crafty. The patience he shows is clever. It’s a useful quality of his, that’s for sure.

For something to grow it needs to be fed. What we feed it is important. When we start to believe the Enemy’s lies, we rehearse them in our heads over and over again. Instead of fighting the lies with truth we yield to them. We begin to tell ourselves that the lies are true. Before you know it we’ve grown incredibly weary; our very demeanor becomes downtrodden. 

To become weary seems to attack our very soul at times. Its definition is: “exhausted in strength, endurance, vigor, or freshness”. When we keep on trying to do the right things it’s easy to become weary. We tried to behave like everyone thought we should. We tried to be the spouse that everyone said we should be. We tried to be the parent that we were told to be. We even tried to be the person that was outlined for us to become. We failed. All of those things sounded good, really good! But we couldn’t do them. We failed. That’s when weariness sets in. We’ve forgotten that there was only One who was perfect; which certainly was not, nor is, us.

Weary has another meaning that I found to be intriguing. Merriam-Webster Dictionary has defined it also as: “bored or annoyed by something because you have seen it, heard it, done it, etc., many times or for a long time.” This definition is probably more realistic than we think. How often do we get bored and annoyed after repeatedly doing the same thing over and over? Especially when it seems like nothing has changed. It really does begin to feel as if it’s not worth doing. At this point your feelings become: It hasn't changed anything so what's the point? It's too boring to keep on doing with no results!

Giving up usually follows feeling weary. The feeling of not being good enough can become overwhelming. So we give up. Doing the right thing becomes unimportant. At this point we just want to survive; and we want to do it our way because it seems like the right way doesn’t work or perhaps takes too long. Repeatedly doing the right thing with no visible results causes us to give up as well.

It takes eyes focused on God to overcome weariness. Because our circumstances can appear so bleak we need to look beyond them to survive. Satan loves for us to see with our human eyes what is around us. He loves for us to see our biggest fears take place. Most of the time we do the work ourselves. We fall prey to his destruction. The way to look beyond what’s in front of us is to stay in God’s Word. It’s the best survival plan ever laid out there for His children!

Galatians 6:9>”And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.” (NKJ) And this is one of the best verses to begin with!

**Heavenly Father, thank You for Your Word. You have so graciously provided everything we need in it. Thank You Lord that when life starts to bring us down weariness doesn't have to set in. Help us to keep our eyes focused on You. But Lord, when weariness does begin to creep in, give us the strength to feed upon Your Word so that Your truth can cause us to grow. For in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Thank You Lord for being our life flow. ~Amen

In awe of Him,
