Friday, December 11, 2015

The Gift

Luke 1:31-33> "And , behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name JESUS. He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David: And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end."

Luke 2:6-7> "And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered. And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn."

It's Christmas time. People are doing their shopping. Some have made a list that they are going by. Some have requested a list that they're frantically looking for. And there are still some who do not have a clue what they are going to give. I fall into that last category. I don't want to rush out and purchase gifts that no thought has gone into. Money is very limited, therefore, it really needs to have meaning. I want it to come from my heart, not just my wallet.

God knew exactly what Gift He was going to give us. It was very dear to His heart. He had so much thought and love wrapped in it. This Gift He planned for us would be one that would last forever. It would give us eternal life.

God knew what His Gift was going to cost. He didn't question if He should pay such a high price. He knew that if this Gift was going to be given it was going to be expensive. There was just no other way. He was going to have to pay the price. Only, God didn't look at it as having to pay the price... He wanted to!! 

He wanted to give this wonderful Gift to everyone!! He knew some would not want it. It wouldn't be what they were looking for, what they were expecting. He knew some would hold on to it with the intention to open later. He even knew that some would try to give it back knowing they didn't deserve such a gift. Yet, He still wanted to give this Gift. No matter what.

Since the Gift was coming from far away God had to have a way to get it here. He chose a young girl to carry the Gift to us wrapped securely in her womb. When the time came for her to deliver such a precious Gift, her surroundings were not exactly the way expected. Neither was the timing. But for God, it was perfect! His heart was revealed to the amount of love He has for us!

John 3:16> "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."
What a gift! What love! God gave us His only begotten Son! It cost Him so much to give this wonderful Gift to us! All because He loves us and wants us to spend eternity with Him.

What's the catch? Simple. We have to receive the Gift. We have to open the gift today. We can't place it to the side and wait for later. We may not have later. No, we do not deserve such a costly Gift, however, He still wants us to have it.

What are you going to do with this wonderful Gift?

In awe of Him,

**Heavenly Father, thank You Lord for this Gift that You have given us. This wonderful gift of Your only Son. Lord, help us not to take this Gift lightly. Help us to humble ourselves and search our hearts. Lord, I know I do not deserve such a costly Gift, but I thank You. Thank You Father for Your love. I receive this precious Gift from You. May my life reflect thankfulness and gratitude for what it cost You and why. ~ Amen

Sunday, October 18, 2015

A Cracked Pot

Jeremiah 18:3-4> "So I went down to the potter's house, and I saw him working at the wheel. But the pot he was shaping from the clay was marred in his hands; so the potter formed it into another pot, shaping it as seemed best to him."

The Lord had told Jeremiah to go to the potter’s house and He would give him a message. So Jeremiah went. He saw the potter working at the wheel. The pot he was shaping was marred. The potter could have thrown the piece away. He could have even set it aside. But he didn’t. There was potential. It wasn’t just a clump of clay to him. He could see a pot. A beautiful pot. So he shaped it as he saw fit.

I needed to understand what happens to clay as it is being shaped. So I began to look on the internet for clues. I learned that clay is refined dirt. That makes perfect sense! After all, God did make man from the dust of the ground (Genesis 2:7). No wonder working with it is messy!

 To make clay that is useable you have to have the right mixture of dirt and water. If you add too much water the clay won’t harden. It will be too weak to shape into anything. If it’s too dry it will crumble and break apart and be just as unusable. It’s important to have the right combination of dirt and water in order to make something with it. That is true even in God molding us. He did not create us to be too weak to be shaped into anything; nor did He create us to crumble and break apart. He knows the right mixture needed to make us into something beautiful.

 Once you get the mixture right the clay has to be kneaded to mix them together. What does that mean? To be kneaded? Webster’s 2003 New World Dictionary defines ‘knead’ as: “to work into a pliable mass by folding, pressing and squeezing”. I don't know about you but I have most definitely felt folded, pressed, and above all, squeezed!! 

 Why is this process of kneading so important? So that all the air pockets can be removed. If you don’t remove all the air pockets from the clay the piece will explode when it is being fired in the furnace or oven to dry the clay. The same goes for us. I have proved that over and over. There have been air pockets in me; empty spaces unfilled. When things heated up I simply exploded!

 Another reason for the kneading process is to get rid of impurities, of junk. If any is left in the clay it will create imperfections and cause the clay to weaken and fall apart when it is being thrown on the wheel. This is something the potter can feel in the clay as he works it with his hands. Doesn’t that also describe our Potter? Not only does He see our imperfections He feels them, too! He wants to get rid of all the impurities, the junk in us. He doesn’t want us to weaken and fall apart. Jeremiah 29:11 tells us that God has a plan for us. He wants to prosper us and not harm us. He wants to give us hope and a future. To do that He has to knead us in order to get rid of “self”. He can’t get rid of the air pockets and impurities as long as “self” is in the way.

 During the kneading process the potter handles the clay kind of rough in order to work out the impurities, the junk. At first the clay itself doesn’t respond to the kneading. The more the potter kneads it the more pliable it becomes. Isn’t that so true of us as well? There have been times that I have felt as if God was kind of rough with me. As if He had turned against me. The whole time He was simply working out the impurities, the junk in me. Even if it meant separating me from others, to the point of feeling all alone. I was so full of junk that the Potter could not use me. There was a lot of kneading that had to be done, no matter how painful it was going to feel. You see, He saw something in that lump of unmolded clay, in me. Something that could be beautiful when finished. I had to be willing. Even if it meant it was going to hurt. It is the Potter who does the molding and shaping of the clay, of us. He knows what He wants the finished product to be and what He wants it to look like. He will keep kneading until the clay, until we, are useable. Not 50% useable, not even 98% useable. The clay has to be 100% useable!! Otherwise it will not hold up in the fire. The Potter wants to make something beautiful with us. He knows what the outcome can be. We have to be 100% willing to be molded and shaped His way. No matter how painful it may become.

 That is what God was doing with me. He was kneading me. I was marred. The only way I could be shaped into something with potential, was to be in the Potter’s hands. He didn’t start over, He simply went to work on what He’d already begun. He wasn’t finished. I was like a cracked pot. Not by His doings, but by my own. God was shaping me the way He had wanted. But I fought against Him and bent in my own direction. The loving God that He is, had allowed me to make that choice. Do you see what happens when we go in our own direction? We lose the shape that He had planned for us. He wants to make us into something beautiful. We can’t even begin to imagine just what that something beautiful is.

 As for me, I saw brokenness. God saw potential. I felt empty. God wanted to fill me. So He went to work on this piece of clay. I finally chose to surrender...
Have you?
In awe of Him,
**Heavenly Father, we thank You Lord for Your love. We thank You Lord for not giving up on us. For never throwing us away. Thank You Lord for the potential that only You can see. Father continue to mold and shape us into the pottery that You are designing us to be. When the kneading process feels painful help us to see that it is for our good. Total surrender is what is needed. It is in Your Holy Name that we pray, Amen.














Saturday, September 12, 2015

The Best One For The Job

John 3:16> "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

     I am blessed to work where I work. My co-worker's are like family. In fact, one of them is! My sister and I have worked together for about 5 or 6 years. She judges the years by how many winter's she's been there. Our job is very stressful in the winter. It is very demanding. We work for a propane company so you can imagine what it can be like in cold weather!
     This is the beginning of our busy season. People are coming in or calling to pre-order propane for the winter at a very good rate. We get to see a lot of folks! Some are so friendly that they want to stay a while, and some just want to get in and get out! We have some that will come in and ask us to remember them or a loved one in prayer. Some will even come in and we'll ask them to remember us or a loved one in prayer. (Did I mention I am blessed to work where I work?)
     On one particular day, a gentleman came in to pre-order his propane. As soon as he walked through the door you could feel joy in the room! Joy always comes with him, that part is really not new. We just needed his joy at that particular time. He always has a big smile on his face. I mean the kind that draws you in! It's like his very pores just ooze joy!
     Several times he asked us to add up how many gallons he used last year and what the cost would be. And several times we got carried away talking and laughing! (Notice I said "several"?) This wonderful gentleman enjoys talking about the Lord. His smile gets even bigger and his joy oozes even more. It's what he said that grabbed hold of my heart; "Do you know why God sent His only Son to die for us?" Well, of course we knew it was to die for our sins. No one else could do it. But his answer is what I will never forget; "He wanted to send the very best that He had for the job. If you had an important job that had to be done, wouldn't you send the very best that you had to do it?"  Suddenly, how much God loves us became completely different. It was a whole new level I had never thought of. "The very best that He had for the job." Then he said, "God couldn't send an angel to die for us because, Jesus, His only begotten Son, was His very best." (Do you see why we love for this man to come in?)
     It was as if I had just eaten an entire plate of comfort food PLUS dessert. (You know the kind of food that makes you happy, content, satisfied, and full on the inside!!) My insides felt so much comfort. It was as if I had just eaten something new that my taste buds fell in-love with. It was better than meatloaf, fresh peas, rice and gravy, broccoli casserole, squash casserole, slice of cornbread, warm peach cobbler with a scoop of Blue Bell's Moo-llennium Crunch! 
     That's a lot of love that God has for us, for me. He knew exactly what it was going to require to get the job done. He even knew that some would never choose what He had to offer. Some would never believe that He was even real. Some would never believe that His blood could make the darkest heart clean. Yes, it is hard to comprehend that kind of love. However, He does send little morsels for us to taste it. God chose His very best to do what no one else could do. And then He raised His very best from the dead so that the job would be finished. Let that soak in............

 What was the job? A sacrifice for our sins so that we could have eternal life with Him. God's plan was for us to live with Him forever. He sent His very best to be that sacrifice to get the job done!!

***Heavenly Father, what great love You have for us. As undeserving as we are, You chose to send Your ONLY Son to do what no one else could do. Thank You Lord for such great love. Open our hearts to receive Your love daily, Lord. Reveal the areas of disbelief so that we may repent. We praise You Lord for there is none like You. Thank You Lord for sending Your very best for such a job so that we could have eternal life with You. May we never take it for granted. It's in the name of Jesus, Your only Son, Your very best, that we pray ~ Amen.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

God Has Hands!

     Do ya’ll remember the song, “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands”? I sang that song as a child and hummed it a few times as an adult. Catchy little tune, I must say. All the time I sang it I never really gave it much thought. Not the part about God having hands. To be honest, I’ve never really thought about God’s being. He was God, I wasn’t suppose to imagine Him with hands. That would seem too human. To be human would mean that He was like you and I. That would totally reduce God from who He really is! God just couldn’t have hands. Could He?
     MANY years ago, when my husband and I were just dating, his hands are what attracted me the most (strange I know!). The way he gripped the steering wheel while he drove sent a tingle down my spine. He had the kind of hands like someone who has done hard manual labor. His hands even looked like he’d been in a few fights in his life; like he could ‘hold-his-own’ so to speak. He had big, strong hands. I knew those hands would protect me. After we had been married for several years, I had gotten a glimpse of his hands once again gripping the steering wheel. The same feeling came over me. He has lived with chronic pain for so many years but yet those big, strong hands were once again taking care of me.
     That got me to thinking of God’s hands. “Who has measured the waters in the hollow of His hand, measured heaven with a span…?”(Isa 40:12) A span is the distance between the tips of the thumb and little finger. That is usually about 9 inches. But we’re talking about God’s hands. His hands measured the waters, the ocean. That’s pretty big!!
     Isaiah 48:13a> “My own hand laid the foundations of the earth, and My right hand spread out the heavens”. Not only does that describe how big God’s hands are, it also describes strength. Enough strength to hold an entire world! With that being said, God’s hands are real. If He can measure the waters in the hollow of His hand, measure heaven with a span, and lay the foundations of the earth, then you can bet He can take care of us!
     Even though my husband’s hands are big and strong, they are weak compared to God’s hands. They can’t even come close to His. In my husband’s hands I feel protected, I feel safe. Yet to a degree his hands are somewhat limited. God’s are not. There is nothing to big for God to hold in His hands. When my faith feels torn and tattered, I am learning to remember that God has me in His hands. He has whatever I am facing in His hands. Isn’t that comforting? Yes indeed, God has hands!!
In awe of Him,

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Looking For the Living Among the Dead

Luke 24:5-6 > In their fright the women bowed down with their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, "Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; He has risen! Remember how He told you, while He was still with you in Galilee:"

     How we pray is important. I have recently been reminded of that. I have found myself praying like it's something I can check off my list. "Yep, I prayed today!" Chances are I said, "Lord, IF it's Your will." There's a little difference for me to throw "if" in there instead of just flat saying, "Lord, Your will be done." It's my "safe" prayer.
     I had prayed my safe prayer for so long that I didn't realize I was doing it. I had mentally placed a living God among the dead. I certainly wasn't expecting much from Him. I was treating Him as if He were still in the grave. My prayers had become rehearsed. Night after night there just didn't seem to be much of a difference in them. Because I didn't expect much from God, I didn't get much. I was treating Him like someone you would ask a favor from. Not like the powerful God that He was; that He is. The sad thing is, I really had no clue that is what I was doing.
     One night I was laying in bed and it was as if the Lord whispered in my ear, "Do you believe that I can?" It took my breath. I knew what He was talking about. I hadn't said anything nor had I thought anything. But somehow I knew what He meant. The true test...did I believe that this living God was alive? Risen? A grave conqueror? Or did I simply believe He was living among the dead?
     The next word the angel spoke after announcing that Jesus had risen was "Remember". Had I forgotten? Somehow I had. I had forgotten what kind of power it took to suddenly have life breathed into a corpse!! I had forgotten what kind of power it took to walk out of a grave without ever moving a stone!! But that precious night lying in my bed... I had remembered!!!!!
     What have you been afraid to ask God for? Do you believe He can? Or have you somehow left Him in the grave among the dead? Remember...He's not there!!!! He is risen!!!!! Just remember.....

In awe of Him,

Oh Lord Jesus I cannot contain the joy I feel at this very moment! It was with such great and majestic power that life breathed back into a body that was once dead! Nothing could stop Your plan! Lord help us to not set limits on what You can or cannot do. Help us to remember that You are no longer among the dead, that You are truly risen! If death could not stop You then there is absolutely nothing that can! Oh how we praise you Lord! It is in the living and breathing name of Jesus that we pray ~ Amen.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

When God Grants Permission

Luke 22:31> “Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift all of you as wheat.”

       Have you ever felt picked on by Satan? Like he has just pinpointed you to beat up? I think we all have. If you are a child of God, well, then I know you have!! Satan doesn’t like what he sees in God’s children. He has made it his job to try to destroy us. He does not want God’s kingdom to grow. The best way to keep that from happening is to do some sifting.
     In sifting wheat, vigorous shaking is required to separate wheat kernels from debris, or trash. Vigorous shaking; that doesn’t mean like shaking a ketchup bottle to get the last bit out of it for your hamburger. Nope! It’s not even like a washing machine shakes your entire house when it is off balance with towels in it. Even though both examples are pretty vigorous, it is still not the same. Satan’s vigorous shaking is pretty intense. There are times you start to wonder if you are even going to survive. You may even get to the point that you wish you wouldn’t.
     Boy have I been sifted a few times. One time I found myself crumbled on the floor in a pool of tears and “snot” (I know that’s gross but how else do you say it?). It was intense! I had totally given up. I had fought so hard for something important and right before my eyes it was crumbling. That moment it didn’t matter if I died. I was beaten up. I felt like my insides were waving a white flag of surrender. I was so tired of the pain. I wanted it to stop. If Satan could ever be happy he most definitely was then.
     It took several years and alone time with God to understand Romans 8:28>”And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” I had read that verse many times but it took a while for it to become personal. My vigorous shaking had become an “all things”. Boy did knowing that ease a load. It took years for me to understand it but still it eased a load.
     The other morning, during my personal Bible study time, Luke 22:31 came to life for me! “Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift all of you as wheat.” It may as well have read, “Vonda, Vonda, Satan has asked to sift you as wheat.” I teared up and could’ve jumped a tall building in a single bounce!! My heart felt so light! I cannot explain the pure joy that verse meant to me! Why? Simple!! If Satan has asked the Lord if he can SIFT US AS WHEAT, and in ALL THINGS GOD WORKS FOR THE GOOD OF THOSE WHO LOVE HIM, WHO HAVE BEEN CALLED ACCORDING TO HIS PURPOSE, then we can certainly believe Jeremiah 29:11>”FOR I KNOW THE PLANS I HAVE FOR YOU”, DECLARES THE LORD, “PLANS TO PROSPER YOU AND NOT TO HARM YOU, PLANS TO GIVE YOU HOPE AND A FUTURE.” If we need to be vigorously shaken and it be for our good, then you can rest assured God has a plan! His answer to Satan will be, “I give you permission.” Satan can’t do it unless God says he can. And if God says he can then He has a purpose!!

In awe of Him,


**Heavenly Father, how we praise You! We thank You Lord for the plan that You have for us. Help us to hold tight to the truth that in all things, that means the bad things as well, You are working for our good. We ask that You bring to our remembrance that even in the times that we are the most bruised and beat up, Satan cannot sift us without Your permission. Thank You Lord for loving us enough to get rid of the debris, the trash in us. What Satan meant for evil You mean for good. It is in Your most Holy Name that we pray, Amen.


REMEMBER!!!! If Satan is shaking you vigorously it is only because God allowed it. If He allowed it then that means He’s got a plan and it is a good one!  


Thursday, June 4, 2015

Plastered Eyes and Closed Minds

Isaiah 44:17-18> "From the rest he makes a god, his idol; he bows down to it and worships. He prays to it and says, 'Save me! You are my god!' They know nothing, they understand nothing; their eyes are plastered over so they cannot see, and their minds closed so they cannot understand."

     When conviction comes it doesn't care what time of day it is. It doesn't even care what you are doing. God knew it had to happen, so He sent conviction to draw me closer to Him. Along with conviction came repentance. It caught me totally off guard. I wasn't expecting it.
     For a while now I have been working on a "project". This project has been in my heart for many years. The courage to do this has not come easy. I backed off for quite a while until a stirring from deep within kept creeping up on me. I could no longer ignore it and push it back down deep inside me. So I prayed about it. God gave me the courage to pick up this project and move forward with it. What is it? Well, I am writing a book. It has been through this process that God has revealed things in me that need to change. There have been times that I did not praise Him like I should have. There have also been times that I never saw Him for who He really was/is. 
     The conviction that grabbed hold of my heart the other night was the realization that I had been worshipping something else other than God. I didn't even know I had done it and at times still doing it. I was depending on it. It seemed so innocent all those years until the other night. For years my eyes had been plastered to where I could not see the truth. My mind was closed to even knowing what was going on. I was clinging so tightly to a god. I depended on this god to make everything alright. It was giving me hope.
     In 1997 my husband was injured at work. He crushed his toes on his right foot. To this day, he still endures pain from that injury. He has had countless surgeries with the hope of it making a difference.
     I can't remember what year it was, but a doctor's appointment had been set up with an orthopedic group at UAB in Birmingham. We were told that professional athletes use this group of world renown doctor's and they were back on the field in no time. To make it sound even better, we were also told that Sheik's would come to this group. It sounded pretty impressive to us! If professional athletes can get back to normal and Sheik's could return home normal then surely Raymond could return back to the days before his injury! I mean, why not? It was working for the other folks so surely it would work for Raymond, too. Right? Well, it didn't work. The surgeries, the nerve blocks; they didn't work. I didn't necessarily seek God through all of that. I looked to the doctors to save Raymond, to rescue him from pain. Absolutely, God uses doctors. That was not the problem for me. It was the fact that I had looked to the doctors for healing and not to God. They had become my god. I can't speak for Raymond but I can certainly speak for myself.
     There was nothing else that group of doctors could do so Raymond was sent to a pain management doctor. Once again, I felt hope. And once again, it was hope in the wrong thing. This time it would be hope in a combination of medications. I knew better than to hope in that. I had grown up in church and taught to hope in God alone. So why was this happening? My eyes were plastered and my mind was closed. I could not see that I was putting my hope in the wrong thing. I was worshiping another god. And then when it didn't work, I blamed the real God.  
     Crazy, isn't it? How can you put your hope in something other than God and then blame Him for the results? Yet we do it all the time. My god had been the world renown doctors and the combination of medications. I had cried out to them, "Save us!" and they never did.
     For years I never saw that. For years my eyes were plastered. My mouth said "I trust You!" but my heart spoke something totally different. I didn't even know it. And then one night, a night so many years later, God sent conviction to draw me to repentance...
     Raymond still sees a pain management doctor, he still has surgery if his orthopedic doctor believes it will make a difference. This time it is not them that I worship. It's not the medications or the surgeries that I put my hope in. This time it is in God and Him alone that I trust. If God decides to use either of those things then great! If He doesn't, well, then it is still Him that I will put my hope in.
In awe of Him,
***Heavenly Father, I thank You Lord for sending conviction to draw us closer to You. It is never Your desire to use conviction to harm us but to bring us into a closer walk with You. Thank you Lord that it is because you love us so much that You mold us to be more like You. Thank you for revealing the ugly, the sin, to draw us to repentance. Lord each time that I, that we, lean toward worshiping another god, having an idol, send conviction once again. In Your precious and holy Name ~ Amen

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

The Least Obvious Choice

Luke 19:5-6> When Jesus reached the spot, He looked up and said to him,"Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today." So he came down at once and welcomed Him gladly.

     Zacchaeus was a chief tax collector and very wealthy. He was in charge of a district and had other tax collectors under him. He wasn't liked very much at all, nor was he thought of very highly. I can't help but imagine that he was a bit haughty with his wealth to make up for his size. Zacchaeus was a rich man but he was also a short man. (I wonder if that bugged him at all?)
     Jesus was passing through Jericho and Zacchaeus heard about it. There were so many people there that Zacchaeus couldn't see over the crowd. After all, he was a short man. I'm guessing that his curiosity was getting to him and he just had to get a peek of who Jesus was. At that moment, all of his wealth could not buy him a front row seat! He was going to have to fend for himself; figure it out! Nudging through the crowd didn't seem to make a difference at all. I would imagine that at this point he's a little aggravated. He's feeling a little desperate by now. He then gets the idea that he was going to have to get above the crowd.
     He ran ahead and climbed up into a sycamore tree. Jesus was coming that way and he would surely get to see Him! Zaccheus wasn't thinking about how he was going to look running and then sitting up in a tree. He just wanted to be able to see Jesus. He just had to see Jesus!! Ever felt that desperate? Yep, me, too. A panic attack would just about set in! And then...a sigh of extra beat of the heart...and a stirring from deep within. There He is! It's Jesus!! The crowd is still following but this time Zacchaeus can see him! He can really see Him good! His hair, His skin, His eyes...He's here...He's finally here.
     Zacchaeus' eyes are fixed on Jesus. His every move. Now He's standing right below him. Zacchaeus catches his breath as Jesus looks up at him. This is probably the first time ever in his life that someone looks up at him! And of all people it's the Saviour of the world! Oh how special Zacchaeus must've felt. At that moment I'm sure he must have felt ten feet tall! (Jesus has that unique way of making anyone feel special. No matter what their background may be.)
     And then Jesus does the most wonderful thing! Right there in front of everyone!! He invites Himself over to Zacchaeus' home. Don't you know he had the biggest grin on his face? Don't you think he probably held on to the tree just a little tighter so he wouldn't fall out of it as he realized what Jesus said? "Who, me? My house? You want to come to my house? Heck yea!! Come on!!" Zacchaeus hops on out of the tree and welcomes Jesus gladly!
     The crowd that was there was filled with different kinds of people. People who would've been a much better choice for Jesus to go home with. Jesus had always made it clear that He was here to do His Father's will. He was on a mission and that very day Zacchaeus was part of His mission! The least obvious choice............

In awe of Him,

***Heavenly Father, oh how I praise You for the least obvious choice. Thank You Lord that Your heart is filled with such compassion and love for the one's that the world looks at in such a different way. It is through Your eyes that we feel special and dearly loved. Lord, I thank You that You want to come home with us and spend time with us. Even in a crowd of better choices, Lord, I thank You for choosing the least obvious choice. It is in the precious Name of Jesus that I pray ~ Amen 

Monday, April 20, 2015

A Lot Like Peter

I really like Peter!! Probably because I can relate to him in so many ways! He always meant well and yet he fell short. His heart seemed to be in the right place, until he panicked.

 Matthew 26:30-75

      Jesus and the disciples had just finished the Last Supper and they sang a hymn. (Never saw that before! They all sang! Neat!) Then "they went out to the Mount of Olives".
Jesus told them "you will all fall away on account of Me" . Peter denied it! "Even if all fall away on account of You, I never will". Jesus knew better. He knew what Peter was going to do. "This very night, before the rooster crows, you will disown Me three times." Peter so boldly states, "Even if I have to die with You, I will never disown You.
      Oh yes, indeed, Peter meant well. He was among the three disciples that Jesus took with Him while in Gethsemane to pray. "My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with Me." Jesus needed them to be alert with Him. When He returned, He found Peter and the other two asleep. Poor Peter, he couldn't hold his eyes opened! He had stated earlier that "even if all fall away on account of You, I never will." Yet he couldn't keep his eyes opened. Jesus needed him and he fell asleep. (Ouch!!) A second time rolls around and once again Jesus finds Peter asleep. The third time Jesus returns He awakens the three again. This time He tells them "the hour has come, and the Son of Man is delivered into the hands of sinners. Rise! Here comes My betrayer!" Now that ought to wake you up pretty quickly!
     Jesus was betrayed with a kiss and was arrested. "Then all the disciples deserted Him and fled." When He was taken to where Caiaphas and the teachers of the law and elders assembled, Peter followed at a distance. He "sat down with the guards to see the outcome." After Jesus announced "from now on you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven", that stirred up a big stink! Caiaphas tore his clothes and protested that Jesus spoke blasphemy! It did not sit well with the group that were there. Jesus was spit on, slapped and struck with their fists. Peter witnesses all of this. The very one who said, "I will never disown You", watches the cruelty.
      A servant girl recognizes Peter and says, "You were with Jesus of Galilee." "I don't know what you are talking about", he responds. He managed to get out of that one. He didn't have to own up to knowing Jesus and even hanging out with Him. Once outside the gateway, another servant sees him and says, "This fellow was with Jesus of Nazareth." This time Peter doesn't just deny knowing Jesus, he does it with an oath. But the third denial, "he began to call down curses, and he swore to them, 'I don't know the man!" And then a rooster crowed. Jesus had told him that this would happen. Peter didn't believe Him. He never thought it possible that he would deny his Savior. "And he went outside and wept bitterly." Peter panicked.
      I have felt just like Peter. "I will never deny You, Lord." And then it happens. I do. Ever so subtle at first. For me it came in the disguise of wanting to fit in and not being made fun of. (By the way, it can even happen among 'professing' believers.)I knew exactly what God required of me and I acted like I didn't have a clue. For me, that was a form of denying Him. But God (I love those 2 words!), gave me another opportunity to take a stand. Peter got a second chance to stand up and say, "Yes, I know Him!", but he blew it. So did I. When we are caught in a lie (like Peter's not knowing Jesus) we tend to get a little bit stronger with our denial's. Once again, God graciously gives Peter yet another chance. His denial got even stronger. "He began to call down curses and he swore." Ashamedly, I have done that, too. And yes, I have found myself weeping bitterly.
      I never intended to deny God what He was asking me to do. I totally intended to stand up and say, "Yes, I know Him and He has asked me to take a stand!" Sometimes where God leads us can be lonely. To avoid that we tend to deny Him. We never think that it could even be possible, but it is. We panic. We find ourselves filled with such regret and guilt. The pain of knowing what we have just done, denied our Savior, is so overwhelming. I panicked.
      Then along comes Mark 16:6-7> "Don't be alarmed," he said. "You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid Him. But go, tell His disciples and Peter, 'He is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see Him just as He told you.' "
      Don't you just love "and Peter"? Good news, wonderful news was about to be told and it was very important that Peter knew! His name being added was specific! Intentional!! Why? After all, Peter did deny Jesus three times. Why would his name be so specific? That's easy. Jesus knew Peter's heart. He knew Peter was going to deny Him three times. He knew that each of his denial's would be stronger than the first. The very disciple who said, "I will never deny you", did. One thing is for sure, Peter didn't do it again. Three times was too much and he wouldn't make that mistake again! He even dies for Jesus later on.
      Peter ended up keeping his word. It just took four tries. The first three were disastrous! The last time he truly was willing to die for Him. It gives me such hope. In my denials of the Lord and what He has asked me to do, there is still hope that I, too, will get it right! That I, too, will take that stand! That I, too, will not panic!

Heavenly Father, I just want to thank You for knowing me so well. You know my heart. Thank You Lord for giving me those chances to stand up and say, "Yes, I know Him." Even though I have failed so miserably in the beginning, and still throughout at times, thank You for not giving up on me. Lord, when I am tempted to deny You, give me the courage to stand tall. It is in the precious Name of Jesus that I pray, Amen.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

The Spirit of Half-Heartedness

Half-hearted. Unfortunately it is a word that I am very familiar with. Webster's New World Dictionary describes half-hearted as with little enthusiasm, determination, interest, etc.

Ouch!! That definition at times, has described me well. I've used it in my personal life. I've used it at my job. I've used it in my marriage. And I've even used it in my spiritual life. "I'll do just enough to make it look like I'm trying! I won't do my very best." I would just about guarantee that I am not the only one who has said that and even done that, as well. Well, I know I'm not. The Bible is full of the same scenarios. And even why they don't work!! However, I've only chosen one of them.

(NIV) Genesis 4:1-5 > Adam made love to his wife Eve, and she became pregnant and gave birth to Cain. She said, "With the help of the Lord I have brought forth a man." Later she gave birth to his brother Abel. Now Abel kept flocks, and Cain worked the soil. In the course of time Cain brought some of the fruits of the soil as an offering to the Lord. And Abel also brought an offering - fat portions from some of the firstborn of his flock. The Lord looked with favor on Abel and his offering, but on Cain and his offering He did not look with favor. So Cain was very angry, and his face was downcast.

Poor Cain. He made it seem like he was being picked on by God. It least that was my first impression. With a little digging, I found out the real story. It all starts with the word brought.

Abel brought to God his best. He "brought fat portions from some of the firstborn of his flock". Cain "brought some of the fruits of the soil". Do you see the difference? Abel brought some of the firstborn, whereas Cain brought some of the fruits.  Abel had a lot of thought and heart in his offering. He was giving God his very best. Cain had a lot of thought in his offering, as well. His thought process was half-hearted. Just enough to possibly call it an attempt; yet not enough to call it an offering. Oh yes indeed, I've been there. We all have.

Out of all the half-hearted attempts that I have done, the one that I'm leaning toward is in my spiritual walk. God knew that my attempts were half-hearted. He knew I wasn't fooling Him. Deep down I knew it, too, but everyone else didn't. So I kept bringing some. As long as it appeared to others that I was real then I was covered. Right? Not by a long shot. God knew my heart. He saw the corruptness in it. He saw the Pharisee that I thought was covered up.

My heart started changing. (I wonder Who was responsible for that?) The more that I got up early in the mornings for my quiet time with God; the more He started changing me. It was becoming obvious on the outside what was happening on the inside. God's Word started to truly breathe. I could feel it. I knew I was no longer alone in my quiet time. The more I prayed, "Lord, open my eyes, my ears and my heart, so that I might not ever be the same", He was hearing me. He heard me every time, but this time He was waiting for it to be real. And this time what I was bringing to Him was "some of the firstborn". I was no longer bringing to Him "some of the fruits". It mattered; it really mattered. I had approached my alone time with God on a schedule. He was only allowed to "move" if I had time. (I could really say a lot about His moving, however, I'll save that for another blog.)

Some of my favorite, and my not so favorite (can I really say that?) people were being blessed and used by God all around me. I felt stagnant. I talked a good talk but that's all it was--talk. I knew something was missing in me. It was what I was bringing to God. The spirit of half-heartedness had become acceptable, comfortable and safe. Satan loves half-hearted attitudes and actions. That's the beginning of a playground for him!! The things he can build with that is immeasurable! Some playgrounds are not meant to exist. That's one of them. The best tool to use in destroying that particular playground is repentance. That's exactly what I knew I had to do.

You know, Cain's half-hearted attempt and what He brought to God didn't work out very well for him. Sure, he got his feelings hurt and he was downcast and all. But, God gave him a chance to get it right; to check his heart and repent. Genesis 4:6-7 > Then the Lord said to Cain, "Why are you angry? Why is your face downcast? If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it." God has given each of us an opportunity to do the right thing. When we attempt to do things our way, it's always going to be half-hearted. But when we are spirit led, that's whole-hearted, we will do things His way. Satan wants us, make no mistake of that! Being led by the spirit of whole-heartedness we will rule over it. Being led by the  spirit of half-heartedness, well, we won't stand a chance!

What did Cain do after God talked to him? He continued his walk in half-heartedness and killed his brother. All because he didn't bring to God his very best and then got mad because it was not accepted.........

Heavenly Father, how I praise You for being fair and just. Thank you Lord for loving me enough to not accept my half-hearted attempts. Thank You Lord for wanting, desiring, my very best. When the spirit of half-heartedness creeps in, Lord, I ask that You convict my heart and allow me to repent. It is in the precious Name of Jesus, that I pray.........Amen

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

The Pharisee In Me

     Matthew 23:27-28 > "Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of dead men's bones and everything unclean. In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness."

    The older I get, the better my hind-sight becomes. I was one of those people that Jesus had warned "us" about. Only then I didn't know it. I was too busy pointing and patting. I pointed my finger at those who paraded their sins out there for everyone to see. I patted my own shoulder because I didn't have any to parade. Today, I see the hypocrisy in that very comment. But then? I viewed sin as the stuff on the outside. I was blind to the stuff on the inside being labeled as sin.
     After many years (I'm talking 34 of them!), an old friend came back into my life. Who would have ever thought that a social media outlet would do that? Anyhow, she was afraid to approach me. Oh how ashamed I am because of that. The sad thing was, I couldn't imagine why. My brother had told her that I was not the same person anymore. I guess I had forgotten who that person was. And the truth is, I had forgotten. I just remembered us as being the best of friends as mid-teens. I couldn't remember anything else. Satan is good that way. He likes to keep us in the dark. But God had other plans. (I love to say that: But God.)
     Della and I were the best of friends! We laughed a lot and shared a lot. It least, I thought we had. We definitely laughed a lot, but unfortunately, only so much was really shared. She had been stuck in a life that I knew nothing about. She was protecting herself. Even as a young teenager, her life was full of darkness. It was something she would never share with me. Not then, that is, but definitely now! New creatures! That's what happens when God intervenes. She has a story! She has a story that is filled with God's mercy, His grace, and His healing power! She remembers the date that He set her free!
     After a few years, she had tried to get in touch with me again. A phone call, a simple phone call and I blew it. "I think it's best that we part ways", or something to that effect is what I said. She had made a tough decision for her life and I ...I thought ...I thought that ... I thought that I was somehow better than her. It saddens my heart that I could have ever felt that way. I don't remember the conversation (that's those blinders that Satan loves to use!) but she does. That was the last memory she had of our friendship. I had been so busy looking righteous on the outside when all along the inside of me was full of dead men's bones and everything unclean. And for years, I would continue to live that way.
     But God had other plans! Through social media we would find each other again. This time as "new" people. That's what God does. He takes the old and ugly and then shapes it into something new and beautiful! HE is certainly not finished with me; there is still so much to do. I praise Him for revealing the Pharisee in me so that I could, and would, come to the place of repentance. With true repentance comes freedom. It wasn't easy to allow God to reveal that in me. He knew just when to do it. Oh how His timing is perfect!! Any other time I might not would have allowed such revealing. It hurts. The process is so painful and yet so needed. God knew that I was ready; He knew that I would truly repent. Oh how I praise Him!!
     On February 14, 2015, Della Garrett Sims will become Della Garrett Sims Coleman. She will be my sister-in-law. My brother is gaining a godly wife and I am gaining another godly sister. I am blessed. God knew that it was going to take approximately 33-34 years for us to "marinate". (Not to mention, He knew it was going to take Greg that long to marinate, too!) A whole lot of life has happened in-between that time. None of it was a surprise to God.
     Heavenly Father, oh how I praise You!! You are good. Your timing is perfect. I thank You Lord for the Pharisee. It is in the Pharisee that you revealed the ugly in me. Thank You Lord for not giving up on me. Thank You for pursuing me with fervor. Your love is relentless. Lord I ask that You never stop revealing the sin that I keep guarded in my heart. Help me to never point a finger or pat myself on the shoulder. Help me to never look at myself at being better than others. And Lord, when I do, convict my heart so that I can repent. Thank You Lord for Your grace and mercy. Thank You Lord for new beginnings.
     In the precious and holy name of Jesus ~ Amen 

Sunday, January 4, 2015

A boat, a storm, and a sleeping Jesus.

Matthew 8:23-25> Then He got into the boat and His disciples followed Him. Suddenly a furious storm came up on the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat. But Jesus was sleeping. The disciples went and woke Him, saying, "Lord, save us! We are going to drown!"

     Have you ever been there? Have you ever been in a "storm" so fierce that you have no idea if you will survive or not? As long as we are on this earth, we will have storms. Some of them will be huge. We will even wonder if God cares. "Are you there Lord? Don't You care?"
     There have been many times that I have cried those very words. Until now. What's the difference? This time, I KNOW He's in it with me!
     Jesus got into the boat first. Then the disciples followed Him. He knew there was going to be a storm. The disciples didn't, but Jesus did. It was probably smooth sailing at first. Calm seas and a destination in mind. There were no worries. Until now.
     "Suddenly a furious storm came up on the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat." Can't you just imagine how afraid the disciples were? 'Where did this come from?', they had to have asked. Life can go along smoothly. And then suddenly, out of nowhere, a storm can hit! You never see it coming! But Jesus does. He already knows the outcome of the storm. That's why it was so easy for Him to have been sleeping. He knew what was going to happen in the storm.
     "The disciples went and woke Him, saying, 'Lord, save us! We are going to drown!'" Had they really forgotten what they had already seen Him do? Hadn't they witnessed first hand the miracles that He had done? Did they really believe that He would not save them from the storm? Sounds like us, doesn't it?
     What the disciples really failed to see was that Jesus was still in the boat. He didn't jump out. He may have been asleep, but He was still in the boat. They had hope and didn't even realize it. Jesus was in the storm with them. He stayed. Could it be because He knew something that they did not? Did they forget who He was? Wow, don't we do that, too?
     No matter what kind of storm we go through, we will not be alone. Being a child of God (that's something that has to be done personally) assures us that He is on the boat with us. The waves may sweep over us and toss us around, but we won't be alone. We may even find Jesus sleeping (or think He is), but He is still in control. Just knowing that He's on the boat with us should be comforting enough.
     That is the difference for me. I am His child and therefore I know that He is with me. Even in furious storms. On occasion, He still has to ask me, "why are you so afraid?" And then He calms the winds and the waves. Just like the disciples in verse 27, I find myself in awe; "What kind of man is this? Even the winds and the waves obey Him."
     How comforting to know that in the midst of the storm, Jesus is still with me. He doesn't jump out and leave me on my own. If the One who is in control can sleep through it, then why am I so afraid? Could it be that He knows something that I don't know??? Absolutely!! He knows the outcome!
     Dear Lord Jesus, I stand in awe of You. Even when the storm seems to be so much more than I can handle, You are still there. When the waves are high and the wind is strong, You are in control. Lord, help me to rest in the knowledge of knowing that through the storm there is still a lesson. Thank You Father for not abandoning me. Thank You Lord for being with me through it. In Your precious and holy name, Amen.