Daniel 3:18> “But even if He does not rescue us, we want you as king to know that we will not serve your gods or worship the gold statue you set up.” (CSB)
Most of us are familiar with the story of Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego and the fiery furnace. It mesmerized us. It seemed unbelievable, yet it happened. Felt boards have been used in Sunday school classes to retell the story. Sermons have been preached regarding these three men. Their story has certainly been popular. It’s one of those “only God” moments that appear all throughout Scripture. When you see them, you definitely need to focus on them.
As a child, I read it without a whole lot of thought regarding their situation. The fire is what caught my attention. I have to be honest with you; I’ve read it as an adult that way, too! I focused on the furnace and Jesus being in there with them. Don’t get me wrong; nothing was wrong with that whatsoever. I mean my goodness, even in our ‘furnace’ moments Jesus is still with us. That is wonderful! Who doesn’t need to hear that and know it? Nevertheless, knowing what got the three amigos there is important to remember, too.
King Nebuchadnezzar had a gold statue made that was ninety feet tall and nine feet wide. You couldn’t have missed it! His intent was for it to be worshiped by everyone. At the dedication of this statue, a herald loudly proclaimed that the sound of music would be their que to bow down and worship this statue. If they did not, they would “immediately be thrown into a furnace of blazing fire” (verse 7). Not after a court hearing, not after giving it a little thought, and not after preparation, but immediately! Furthermore, not just any kind of fire would do. It had to be a blazing fire! A rip-roaring fire! That bad-boy had to be H-O-T! If anything would deter someone from disobeying such a command surely that would do it. Only a crazy person would disobey. Right?
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were the disobedient ones. It was not because they were crazy, either. These three amigos were committed to God. There was no other god and these three knew it. They’d heard the command; they knew the consequence of disobedience. There had not been a reason to doubt the king. They knew he was serious. However, it was a risk they were willing to take. To bow down and worship something, or someone, other than God was unimaginable. They were willing to face the furnace of blazing fire.
How many of us today are willing to do what Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego did? How many of us today are willing to stand for our convictions? It is true that some have. They would not go against God. Their very lives were taken because of such a conviction. Not just in death either, but also in life. With reputations ruined and businesses closed, they, too, knew the consequence of standing firm. Nevertheless, just like the three amigos, they still would not deter from their conviction. There was/is only ONE GOD and that was that! To say or act otherwise was unimaginable.
Things at work are a little challenging right now. I guess the question to myself is am I going to join in on the bandwagon of uncertainty and fear, or am I going to stand firm knowing that God is God and He has got it? Am I going to stand firm in knowing that God is God and this situation is not? Am I going to say one thing, yet act another? Truth be known, I played a big part in the uncertainty wagon. I probably led the revolt of fear. If I didn’t lead it, I was still part of it. I should have stood firm and said no. I should have been an example of not bowing down and worshiping uncertainty. However, today is a new day! I can stand firm and say no to the king of uncertainty, and say yes to the King of Kings!
Are you facing a furnace? What are you, am I, going to do? Fall prey or stand firm?
In awe of Him,
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