Proverbs 4:23> “Guard your heart above all else, for it is the source of life.” (HCSB)
One morning, while getting ready for work, a fly was in the bathroom with me. It had laid dormant waiting for the right time to attack. Once time was found, the fly came out of hiding dodging my head and swooping down knowing I was unable to end its life! It kept flying close to my face taunting me. (I even think I heard it laugh!) Dr. David Jeremiah was on the radio delivering a message I knew I would need. I could not hear a thing he said because of that pesky fly. I was sidetracked on the irritation in the room with me. I even opened the bathroom door hoping it would fly out. No matter how wide the door was open, the fly did not intend to leave. It had found its victim and seemed to be winning the battle. Why should it leave?
That’s just like Satan. If the door of your heart is left open the tiniest bit, he will find a way in. He will lay dormant at first, so he does not bring attention to himself. He will find the perfect opportunity to catch you unaware. He will sidetrack you by attacking you with his dodging, swooping, and taunting. He will make sure your day is a mess with him, or his ugly deeds, on your mind. Beginning a day with an irritation is hard to shake off. At least, it is for me. It can pour into my day and onto those, I work with. (Sad, isn’t it?) The best solution for dealing with Satan is to keep THE spiritual fly swatter (God's Word) readily available.
Later, my husband told me that I should have kept the bathroom door closed and simply killed the fly. Instead, I opened the door in hopes that it would fly away and leave me alone. I wanted it to bother someone else. Yikes! I could not see how bad my choice really was. If I had killed it, no one else in the house would have had to deal with it. If only I had gotten a fly swatter or “snapped” a washrag and ended its pesky life! If only I had done, whatever it would have taken.
So what did I learn? #1) Pay attention to doors left open, even if it is a tiny bit! A pesky fly (or flies) can always find a way in. #2) Keep a fly swatter (God’s Word) handy. You never know when you will need it! 😊
In awe of Him,
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