It was around 5:45 a.m. when I was ready to go on my quick morning walk. I began to pray and ask God's help in a particular matter that I seem to be struggling with too often. I had not been taking those ugly thoughts captive; I had entertained them instead. I really needed the Lord's help with this. Everything I had tried to do seemed to have been the wrong thing. Yet, I couldn't understand why. I had put on the Armor of God, or so I thought. I went through the motions as if I had.
And then it hit me: what next? I had physically and mentally gone through the motions of putting on the armor but then I couldn't remember ever doing anything next! I saw myself just standing there. Here I was with all of my armor on and I was standing still. What was I waiting on? What possible good was it doing me? And then it hit me; I wasn't winning the battle because I never engaged in it. Oh I was suited up alright, but somewhere along the line I had either sat down or just simply stood still.
You don't win wars that way. Could you imagine if the Roman soldier's had suited up and just stood there without ever moving? Once this armor is put on we need to be ready. We need to be watching. And then we need to engage the battle. We don't need to just look the part of a warrior, we need to be that warrior!!
Roman soldiers were prepared before they put on their armor. Constant and rigorous training kept them at peak conditions, and ready for action at any time. These men were physically fit. It would take a man of great strength to be able to wear the armor; otherwise he would be weighted down. Engaging in the battle would become difficult. He would be a sitting duck. A heavy sitting duck, nonetheless!
We need to be physically fit as well. How we do that is by becoming spiritually fit. The Word of God provides everything we need to become spiritually fit. Then we become mentally fit which will lead to physically fit! After all, it's our responsibility to make sure we are ready. God has provided the armor with directions on how and why to wear it.
Each piece was important for the soldier's well-being. Each piece was purposely and intentionally put on. The same holds true for us today. Just like the Roman soldier was trained in the purpose of each piece of armor, so are we. God never intended for us to put it on and not know what each piece was for. If we don't know what each piece is for we won't know how to properly use it. It won't be effective.
Roman soldier's wore a very wide belt around their waist. It held a lot of equipment. Their was a loop for different swords, a loop that held ropes, a loop that held the ration sack for the loot they picked up, and a loop that held darts. The belt was tied in several places to stay in place. No matter how the soldier moved about the belt was always in place with weapons at the ready. If the belt was not on straight, everything would be out of place for the soldier. His efficiency in battle would be decreased and could even cost him his life.
A breastplate was needed for protection of the heart since it is responsible for sending blood throughout the body. It was attached to the belt by leather strips of material that passed through rings on the bottom to keep it solidly attached. It was anchored to the belt plus above the belt. The belt had to be on first and then the breastplate.
The footwear for a Roman soldier had spikes on the sole. It provided them a strong enough stance and balance that gave them a superior posture in battle on hills and uneven terrain. A strong stance gives the soldier a better opportunity to fight when the enemy is in his face. Balance offers a steadiness for the fight.
A long, rectangular, knees-to-shin shield protected them from arrows and spears. It could also be knelt behind during a bombardment of them. It was heavier and clumsier than what the Greek's used. Therefore, the soldier went through a series of exercises designed to give them flexibility and strength for using the shield. Several soldiers could get close together to form a circle, hold their shields over their heads and it would protect them from fiery arrows.
The helmet used had chinstrap, visor, and came down to cover the back and sides of the neck. It was said to be the best helmet of the ancient world.
Last, but certainly not least, was the sword. It was two-edged with the end turned upward. Not only was it intended to kill, but it could also rip the enemy's insides to shreds. He didn't even have to turn his sword around to inflict more damage because it cut in two directions. This sword was a very deadly and powerful weapon.
The armor God has given us is just like the Roman soldier's armor. The Word of God is our belt of truth. It should be the first thing we put on. If we do not use the Word of God as our belt of truth, we have no foundation on which to base our warfare with the enemy. The truth of God's Word holds things in place where they need to be.
The breastplate is of righteousness. It is a weapon of defense against the condemnation of the evil one. The heart of man is prone to temptation. We are righteous in God's sight because of what Jesus has done for us. Therefore, the breastplate of righteousness is important.
Just like the Roman soldier was equipped with the right shoes, so are we. It is the gospel of peace. They help us stand with our feet planted firmly on the Word of God, unmoved by the devil's threats and lies. These shoes will keep us steady when we walk through rough places and when we are in the heat of battle.
Our shield of faith is the promises of God. With it we can extinguish all of the enemy's lies, his arrows. Each time the enemy shoots an arrow of lies in our direction, we can hold up the shield of faith to ward them off. The Word of God tells us who we are in Him and we can certainly use it against the evil one. We can even come together in a close circle, hold our shields above our heads, and it will protect us from fiery arrows!
A well-designed helmet will protect us from different angles of attack. Our greatest battlefield is in our minds. (Do I hear an Amen!?) Satan's biggest attack is against the assurance of our salvation. We have to protect our minds with the helmet of salvation. Thinking on things that are true, honest, and of good report are very important. Anything less would mean the helmet is damaged. That would be our fault, not God's. We have to be on guard on what we allow to run free in our minds. We need a clear mind to be discerning in all situations.
Our sword of the Spirit is the Word of God. When the enemy comes at us we need to swing our sword of the Word of God. Every single time we use our sword against him it is a major blow to him. It is sharp and will inflict much damage.
As God's children, we've each been equipped with an armor that will win in any battle. It's up to us to become physically fit to wear it and spiritually equipped to use it to engage in the battle; not to stand still.
So suit up! You are going to need it in every area of your life! In your marriages, work place, school, as parents, and quite possibly as a child. There's no area in our lives that Satan will not come at us in! The list is endless. With the armor God has equipped us with we can engage in the battle...
In awe of Him,
~ Vonda
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