The disciples were experiencing a storm. Earlier in Matthew 8, they had already been in one. Jesus was with them that time. They were still afraid, but Jesus took control of the situation and quieted everything down. This time, however, Jesus was not with them. He was on a mountainside praying. (Doesn't that speak volumes!!) The storm was raging! The disciples were busy trying to stay alive. Some probably held on to the edge of the boat; some may have even held on to each other! Some may have even "battened down the hatches", so-to-speak. Whatever it was that they were doing, one thing is for sure, they were afraid!!
Webster's Dictionary defines the word buffet as - "to strike repeatedly; batter; to make one's way especially under difficult conditions." I get that. I understand that. I can visualize how the disciples must have felt. I can visualize how big the storm was. I can visualize the wind tossing them around while the waves beat against the boat. Could the disciples stand on their feet during that? Or did they keep falling down with each strike? It was dark. The time was somewhere between three a.m. and six a.m. Daylight had not broke yet. Everything seems worse in the dark. You can't see. The disciples couldn't see. It's very possible that with each strike from the waves, the disciples didn't see them coming until it was on them. I get that, too.
Life can be full of storms, raging storms. I have felt so tossed around and beaten by the waves. There have been times that I didn't even see them coming! Did I, or even could I, stand up? NO!! It was too difficult. My feet couldn't brace themselves for the next strike. My legs would simply buckle. I lay crumbled on the bottom of the "boat". I tend to cover my head with my arms and curl up into a ball with my eyes closed when the storm gets rough.
And then verse 25 happens!! "Shortly before dawn Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake." Thank you Jesus!! Thank you Jesus!! Jesus saw the storm the disciples were in! He saw the waves bigger than the boat!! His answer was to go to them! He didn't wait on a boat! He didn't even wait on the storm to subside! His only thought was to go to His disciples, His children!! Without panic, of course, He went right on out into the storm and just walked on it! Did you get it?? HE went to them!! HE walked on the water that was raging!! This is where you can raise your hands to the heavens and shout 'Hallelujah'!!
Boy, I needed that! Storms are hard. They take every ounce of energy you think you even have. But Jesus sees us. He sees our storms. He sees us crumbled on the floor. He sees the fear we have. His answer? He comes to us right in the middle of it!!
Dear Heavenly Father, You are good. You are holy and You are just. Thank you Lord that no matter the cause of our storm, You still come. You still see us and do not wait for our storm to subside. I am so unworthy of such love but I thank You Father for loving me anyway. In Your precious name ~ Amen
In awe of Him,
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