Sunday, August 25, 2019

The Last Fifty

There is a story in the Bible that has new meaning for me, one I have overlooked many times. It is a very familiar story. It is the story of Jesus feeding 5,000 men. (More were there counting women and children.) I love that story. I love how even though the disciples did not know how it was going to work out, it did not deter Jesus! I even love how it affected the last group of fifty.

Luke 9:14b-15> “Jesus replied, ‘Tell them to sit down in groups of about 50 each.’ So the people all sat down. (NLT)

Imagine being with Jesus all day. You have listened to Him speak about the kingdom of God. You have seen people cured that were in need of healing. You have heard things and seen things that blew you away! It has been a great day, certainly one you will never forget. One thing is for sure, you are not leaving. You have seen too much and heard too much to leave now. (I wonder if they were experiencing our modern day Fear-Of-Missing-Out.) This Man is different. This Man has touched your heart. You certainly want more. Who could blame you? No one else is leaving either.

After speaking with Jesus, the twelve men who are normally with Him, He calls disciples, have a strange look on their face. Something said seems to be a little confusing to them. Except for Jesus, He has a look of peace on His face. The twelve begin to move through the crowd. You have heard there is not enough food. You have heard someone had five loaves of bread and only two fish. You have even seen for yourself how large the crowd is. Yet, you have been included in a group of about fifty and told to sit down. All eyes are forward on Jesus. He took the five loaves of bread along with the two fish, and He looked toward heaven and blessed them.

Imagine being in the last group of about fifty. Curiosity would be all over me! Curious as to what was about to happen. The anticipation of another miracle would certainly be in my thoughts: “What is He going to do? How is He going to feed us? I am so excited to be a part!” At least, that is how I would feel … at first. What would I feel after a few hours have passed? What would my thoughts be then? Whenever I read this story in the past, I never considered how long it must have taken the disciples to pass out food. After all, there is not much space between verses 14 and 17. It was a quick read so it had to have been a quick food delivery, right? My goodness, even I know feeding a large group of people at family reunions, or Homecoming, takes a lot of time, why would I think this would be any different? And we never had 5,000 or more people attend!

Time seems to be passing very slowly. Most especially if you are in the last group. Have you lost hope that you will receive a blessing? Does it appear as if you are going to miss out? I am sad to say, that I would probably be that one who is afraid of missing a blessing. I have seen others receive one; surely, by the time the basket gets to me it will be empty. It was just five loaves of bread and two fish after all. Even I can do the math. Discouragement would settle on me. There is not going to be enough. Why am I in the last group of about fifty? I cannot look at the others in my group. I cannot see their despair. If they are still hopeful while I am not, I certainly do not want to see that either!

I heard something. Was it a sigh of sadness? Was it gratitude and thankfulness? I look up to see the same twelve men still passing out food! Their baskets are not empty! Their faces have changed from confusion to elation! I even notice a little-pep-in-their-step!  What just happened? As for Jesus’ face, He is still at peace. He knew what He was going to do. He knew that even the last group of fifty, the group I was in, would need food, too. He knew He was going to provide it. It is hard to imagine all the blessings received that day! Not only was it bread and fish provided, the nourishment received was so much more. Hope had been restored.

Luke 9:17> They all ate as much as they wanted, and afterward, the disciples picked up twelve baskets of leftovers! (NLT)

What is my take away from this new story written in my heart? It is simple. No matter which groups you feel like you are in, the first fifty to receive or the last fifty losing hope, Jesus cares. He still sees you and graciously cares for you. He will see to it that with Him you will find nourishment.


In awe of Him,
